Inaugural The Purr Storytelling Hour is Oct. 20 @ 6pm
Posted: 10.1.2022
The Inaugural the Roar Storytelling Hour will feature unscripted stories surrounding a single theme from the best of our storytelling students, staff, and faculty. The theme is LIBERATION.
We want to hear your best LIBERATION story! During the week prior, The Roar will hold a pre-event workshop designed to make your story memorable and less than 5-6 minutes. Scan the QR code or visit the webpage to sign up for the contest and RSVP. In your RSVP, please indicate if you will be a storyteller or an audience member.
Inaugural The Roar Storytelling Hour
Date and Time: Thursday, October 20th, 6pm
Drinks and Hors d’oeuvres at 5pm
Location: Osborne Theater, Room 220, Ent Center
Prizes: 1st place $150, 2nd $100 3rd $50
Pre-Workshop (for all contestants): Tuesday, October 11, at 6 pm @ the Heller Center
Sponsored by Dr. ‘Ilaheva Tua’one, Storytelling Professor, and the Kraemer Family Library.