Legacy Off-Campus Access Server Retired
Legacy Off-Campus Access Server Retired
The Kraemer Family Library has migrated to a new hosted solution for providing off-campus access to our electronic resources, including our subscription databases, eBooks, online journals, streaming films, and other online materials.
Starting June 1, 2024, URLs that contain libproxy.uccs.edu will lead to an error page that says the license for the resource has expired. Links from the library website have been updated. To update your own links, you will simply replace libproxy.uccs.edu with uccs.idm.oclc.org
Original Link:
Updated Link:
If you have any questions about this change or how to update any links to the Library’s electronic resources reach out to Joel Tonyan jtonyan@uccs.edu or Rhonda Glazier rglazier@uccs.edu. Please also report if you find an outdated link provided from the library website or any library resources.