Library News Archive

Library News Archive

Library News Archive

  • Posted:
    infographic depicting the Digital Curation Exhibit tablet with reopening event information.
  • Posted:
    examples of reserve equipment on a light blue background with black text "check out our reserves!"
    Did you know that the Library has more than just books in our Reserve collection? If you forgot your phone charger, we've got you covered! Need to borrow dry erase markers for whiteboards we have around the Library, we've got you covered!
  • Posted:
    books in wrapping paper for valentine's day event feb 14 through march 2
    From February 14th - March 2nd, stop by the Library Assistance Desk and choose your date from a variety of wrapped books. You may just discover your new favorite book!
  • Posted:
    A contestant at the storytelling contest speaking at a podium in front of an audience in the 2nd floor library apse.
    Thank you so much for a fantastic storytelling evening! We look forward to seeing you again at the 11th annual contest!
  • Posted:
    A skeleton hand heart over a black and white "Thank you!" on a black background with spider webs in the top corners
    Thank you for taking the time to craft such spine-chilling tales in just six words! We received an incredible 153 stories by the October 20th deadline.
  • Posted:
    A microphone in the spotlight on a stage. The image is behind text which describes the info for the Storytelling Contest.
    Join us for the 10th Annual KFL Storytelling Contest: The Purr Storytelling Hour!