Withdrawing Bound Periodicals

Withdrawing Bound Periodicals

photo of the bound periodicals collection


Beginning this summer, the Kraemer Family Library will withdraw a number of bound periodicals from our collection. 


For more than a decade, the Kramer Family Library has primarily subscribed to journals and other periodicals online, only subscribing to print journals when they were unavailable online or included graphical content best viewed in print. In 2015, the Library began removing many of the print journals that were accessible online. At that time, more than half of the bound print journal collection was cleared to make room for more collaborative study spaces. Since then, the Library has continued to purchase more access to online journal archives, allowing it to continue its removal of unnecessary print journals.

How will you select the bound periodicals for withdrawal?

The Library is currently only withdrawing titles that are duplicated online in stable online archives. In most cases the Library has purchased the online archives with perpetual access or has license agreements to access full archives with current subscriptions that the Library is committed to maintaining. In a few cases, the archives have been made freely available online in an open access archive.

The Library is not removing any bound periodicals that are not duplicated in our online collections. It is also maintaining bound periodicals where the Library is not certain that it will be able to maintain online access in the future. Finally, it is maintaining print access where the quality of the online material is considered insufficient (for example where PDFs are not available) or in cases where the materials include important graphical content (art journals or titles like National Geographic).

What’s happening to the bound periodicals that are removed?

The bound periodicals will be removed from the Library and processed for recycling in an effort to divert materials from the landfill. This has been made possible by support from the Green Action Fund.


Contact Matt Jabaily – mjabaily@uccs.edu